Monthly Archives: December 2007

White Winter

After just missing a white Christmas we had a white after Christmas. The snow really started to come down in a sideways white out way which I thought would make for perfect conditions to go for a hike and get some nice snowy pictures. I love the snow especially when it is starting to fall and no one else is around, it really gives that sense of being alone and it is always so peaceful. Everything is so clean and pure and the only sounds are the blowing wind and the crunching snow. Now for a what I went for some pictures.

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Buffet of death

On my way home from Victoria last week I stopped in at Goldstream provincial park in hopes of seeing the salmon run and some bald eagles. Well I saw the salmon run but all the salmon where rotting and smelt very bad. I did not manage to see any eagles but I did get to see a great blue heron in a not so common spot. Once the salmon have died and are starting to rot a variety of shore birds come into “clean up”, mostly gulls.

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Photography Phriday: Ben Hattenbach

Ben Hattenbach is a landscape and nature photographer that has an amazing range of pictures from macro work with flowers to majestic landscapes of far away lands. Check out his gallery of images at his website.

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Red tail hawk

Saw something you don’t see very day while out for a walk today, a red tail hawk eating a rabbit. I was able to get within 15 feet of it and stayed to watch it eat its meal. Was something that was really amazing.

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Photography Phriday: John Moran

John Moran is a nature photographer located in Florida who is trying to give a new light to the swamps. With the help of his photographs he is trying to show people a different view of the swamps and the ecosystems that live there and why they are worth saving. Make sure to take a look at his web site to see some very unique pictures of Florida.

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